The case for involving HR in organisation design

The case for involving HR in organisation design

Structural change is much more than on-paper planning. When the strategy has been set, changes to the wider organisation design then need to be agreed, and a tactical operation planned. Making this come to life requires engaging people in the organisation, developing...
Hybrid working is here to stay – have you got a plan?

Hybrid working is here to stay – have you got a plan?

As we all know, the term ‘hybrid working’ has gained a lot of traction since the start of the pandemic. After being forced to work from home during lockdowns, most office-based workers have discovered they value the flexibility – and potential cost savings – of less...
Managing growth and change in Multi Academy Trusts

Managing growth and change in Multi Academy Trusts

Leaders in Multi Academy Trusts (MATs) face unique organisational and operational challenges. They are responsible for large budgets and a lot of people – including students, staff, governors and stakeholders like the Department for Education (DfE), Local Authorities...

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