The Tusk Consulting Blog

A Blog about People and Organisations.

The Tusk Consulting Blog is a mix of views, stories and ideas relating to the world of organisational consulting and human resources.

The aim is to amplify what we do, for whom and why.

Managing growth and change in Multi Academy Trusts

Managing growth and change in Multi Academy Trusts

Leaders in Multi Academy Trusts (MATs) face unique organisational and operational challenges. They are responsible for large budgets and a lot of people – including students, staff, governors and stakeholders like the Department for Education (DfE), Local Authorities and parents.

At the same time, they have very little control over funding or income and so face a challenging balancing act.

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Organisational development for challenging times

Organisational development for challenging times

If you and your leadership team were facing a challenge where would you seek help to solve it?

Would you look for help through organisational design (OD) or a business coach? The answer may depend upon whether your organisation is large or at SME level. Typically OD is considered a ‘corporate’ activity; in reality it’s for every single organisation regardless of size r sector.

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The new Tusk Website is open for business

The new Tusk Website is open for business

The new Tusk Website is open for businessWe're delighted to announce that our new Tusk website is now live. It's the result of 6 months' hard work distilling the knowledge and expertise we've gained over 20 years as organisational and HR consultants. One of the key...

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Either Organisational Consulting or HR Services will help your business operate to its full potential and thrive.

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